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Authentication Shell

The <AuthShell /> is a a top level component that handles the entire authentication life-cycle for you and requires minimal configuration on your end.

Set up

Make sure you have an instance of the authentication server running and you have installed the required packages. Head over to our Quickstart Guide in order to get your environment up and running.

Install packages

npm install @vulpo-dev/auth-ui react-router-dom

Configure the shell

  1. Initialize the AuthClient
import { Auth } from '@vulpo-dev/auth-sdk'

let AuthClient = Auth.create({
// Got to localhost:8000 -> Your Project -> Settings
project: '<project-id>',
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8000'
  1. Wrap your component inside of <AuthCtx.Provider /> and <BrowserRouter />1, you can also use any other router that react-router-dom provides.
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
import { Auth as AuthCtx } from '@vulpo-dev/auth-react'

/* AuthClient set up */

{/* The AuthShell needs to be inside of BrowserRouter */}
{/* Wrap your application inside the Auth Context */}
<AuthCtx.Provider value={AuthClient}>
<App />
  1. Set up the <AuthShell />
import React from 'react'
import { Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom'
import { AuthShell, PrivateRoute, PublicRoute } from '@vulpo-dev/auth-ui'

let App = () => {
return (
{/* Routes are by default private */}
<Route />

{/* You can also be more explicit */}
<PrivateRoute />

{/* A PublicRoute will be accessible by everyone */}
<PublicRoute />
export default App


Dark mode

By default, the auth shell uses a light theme to render the auth screens. You can use the dark prop to change the default behavior like so:

<AuthShell dark />

You can also use something like useMediaQuery to adjust the theme based on the users preference:

import { useMediaQuery } from 'usehooks-ts'

export default function Component() {
const prefersDark = useMediaQuery('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)')

return (
<AuthShell dark={prefersDark} />

Splash screen

The splash screen is what the user sees the first time they enter your application, the android documentation provides a great overview: The <AuthShell /> provides a basic splash screen for you that you can customize either through CSS or by providing your own component.


  1. Let's start by passing the name that should be rendered on the splash screen.
<AuthShell name="Application name" />
  1. Overwrite the default styles, there are two CSS classes that you can target: vulpo-auth-splashscreen and vulpo-auth-splashscreen-title
/* The splash screen wrapper */
.vulpo-auth-splashscreen {


/* The name we passed to the auth shell */
.vulpo-auth-splashscreen-title {


.vulpo-auth-splashscreen .vulpo-auth-flow {
--size: 40px; /* Change the size of the loading dots */
--color: currentColor; /* Change the color of the loading dots */

/* You can also add your own rules */

/* Use vulpo-auth-flow-dot to target dots directly */
.vulpo-auth-splashscreen .vulpo-auth-flow-dot {


Bring your own component

If you require more customization, you can also pass a custom component to <AuthShell /> that will be rendered instead of the default implementation.

  1. Create your custom splash screen, here is the default implementation as reference:
import React, { FunctionComponent } from 'react'
import { Flow } from './loading'

type Props = {
name?: string;
background?: string;

let Splashscreen: FunctionComponent<Props> = (props) => {

let style = {
background: props.background ?? '#fff'

return (
<div style={style} className="vulpo-auth vulpo-auth-splashscreen">
{ && <h1 className="vulpo-auth-splashscreen-title">{ }</h1> }
<Flow />

export default Splashscreen
  1. Pass your <Splashscreen /> to the <AuthShell />
<AuthShell splashscreen={<Splashscreen />} />

Auth screen

You can pass a custom authentication screen to the <AuthSchell /> that will be rendered instead. The auth screen is the component that will be rendered when a user is not authenticated.

  1. Create your auth screen
// Auth contains all of the authentication screens,
// it also handles routing, flags and error handling
import React, { FunctionComponent } from 'react'
import { Auth } from '@vulpo-dev/auth-ui'

let Authscreen: FunctionComponent = () => {
return (
<div className="authscreen">
<header className="authscreen-header">
<h2>VULPO Auth</h2>
<div className='vulpo-auth vulpo-auth-container'>
<div className="vulpo-auth-box-shadow">
<Auth />

export default Authscreen
  1. Pass your <Authscreen /> to the <AuthShell />
<AuthShell authscreen={<Authscreen />} />
